leader of the Black
Disciples David Barksdale

executing its eleven
year old member Yummy

African American street
gang based in Chicago

GD symbol used in
graffiti and for tattoos

Selasa, 11 Agustus 2009

Gangster Disciple : F.O.L.K.S. come from Gangster Disciple

One gangster again is F.O.L.K.S. The time has come for an organization to rise above the rest. An organization of radicals willing to fight for their cause. A F.O.L.K.S. nation. We have come a long way to reach this point. We have come from the Gangster Disciple to the Growth and Development Nation. It is time my Brothers and Sisters of the Struggle. The World has Blown! May our love for this nation help keep us strong. Our loyalty to each other and this nation will never die. Together with the help of King Larry Hoover "we" will never die. I am what Iam and what I am not I will never be. GD FOLKS FOR LIFE. see more about this gang at F.O.L.K.S

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